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Personal development tool
focused on (Humanities) students' skills


The H-You Humanities explorer is a personal development tool for students from Humanities faculties. It uses reflection and writing activities to encourage students to reflect on their professional skills.


The link to the online tool can be found in the resources. If you want to know more about the development of the H-You tool and want to watch a demo of the H-You tool, see video resource “HYouDemo”.


​In this toolkit, you will find information on the personal development tool which consist of the Humanities profile explorer (2) and activities for students to further explore their skills (3). Additionally, we also give some tips on how to use this tool as a facilitator (4).


Humanities profile explorer

  • The students fill in a survey with 70 skills descriptions that correspond to the 6 skills clusters of the ASSET-H research. For each item, students have to indicate the degree to which they possess a skill (from 1 ‘completely disagree’ to 6 ‘completely agree’). The estimated time investment is 15 minutes.

  • Afterwards, the tool automatically calculates the average score for the descriptions for all of the clusters (E.g., Jane has an average of 4,41/6 for the descriptions of the creativity cluster) and determines which clusters get relatively higher scores (i.e. core areas) and lower scores (i.e. development areas). For a detailed description of how this gets determined, see resource “CalculationCoreDevelopmentAreas”.

  • These results are shown in a report that consists of two parts:

    • The summary highlights the core and development areas.

    • The skill breakdown shows the values for each of the descriptions, broken down in skills clusters.

  • This report can be downloaded and is intended to highlight their skills and give them a starting point for further reflection.

  • See resource "ExplorerSurvey" for an offline version of the survey and "ExplorerReport" for the wording used in the report. To know more about the ASSET-H research on skills, take a look at Toolkit 1.




Activities to further explore skills

Once students have completed the Humanities profile explorer, they move on to other activities to further reflect on their skills:

  • Peer reflection: Students exchange their skill profile with a peer 
    and do comparison and feedback exercises to understand their profile's meaning better.

  • Collect your statements: Students draft short story statements 
    that show how they employed their skills in different situations.

  • Career connector: Students connect with someone based on their job and start a conversation to find out what role specific skills play in their job and what their career journey has looked like.

  • Journaling: Students receive prompts to encourage them to think about their situation and to highlight what works for them.


All activities can be customized based on your needs and other activities can always be added. For the instructions given for each of the activities, see resources.



Use by facilitators

The H-You tool can be used in several ways by facilitators:

  • Encourage students to go through the H-You tool individually at home by highlighting the importance of reflection about their skills and working life.

  • Organize a workshop session in which you invite students to use the Humanities Profile Explorer, and let them reflect on the results in class with peers. After that, you can go through some of the activities together in class. Take a look at the resource “HYouWorkshop” for an example of a class session about H-You.


To learn more about the licensing and re-use of materials, see resource “Licensing”.

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Printable version Toolkit 3

H-You Tool

H-You Demo

Calculation Core and Development Areas

Humanities Profile Explorer: Survey

Humanities Profile Explorer: Report

Peer Reflection

Collect Your Statements

Career Connector


H-You Workshop


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