In order to thank the students for putting their time and energy in our Asset-H survey, we promised to hand out gift vouchers to lucky participants via a raffle. But how to organize an appropriate raffle in the pandemic situation?
It took some time to overcome the hurdles but, finally, in early May the Helsinki team got together in a socially-distanced manner at the prestigious University of Helsinki central campus to conduct the raffle ceremony in a proper way. The "proper way" included icy wind and showers of sleet, but also a traditional doctoral hat and a friendly guide dog overseeing the procedure.
Names of the participants were printed out and cut into small strips of paper by the highly authoritative and competent hands of Professor and Vice Dean Minna Palander-Collin, then placed in her academic top hat*, whereafter the names of ten lucky winners were pulled out at random by the members of the Helsinki team. Applauds and cheering aplenty!
The winners have been contacted individually with a gift code to an independent bookstore. Congratulations once more to the ten of them, and our warmest thanks to everyone who helped our project aims by participating in the skills assessment survey!
* To read more about this special hat and the sword - yes, sword - that goes with it, take a look at this blog post in Discoverphds.com.